Hydroponics News November 21st, 2008

November 22, 2008

Urban growers go high-tech

Terry Fujimoto sees the future of agriculture in the exposed roots of the leafy greens he and his students grow in thin streams of water at a campus greenhouse.

The program run by the California State Polytechnic University agriculture professor is part of a growing effort to use hydroponics _ a method of cultivating plants in water instead of soil _ to bring farming into cities, where consumers are concentrated.

Because hydroponic farming requires less water and less land than traditional field farming, Fujimoto and researchers-turned-growers in other U.S. cities see it as ideal to bring agriculture to apartment buildings, rooftops and vacant lots.

“The goal here is to look at growing food crops in small spaces,” he said.

Long a niche technology existing in the shadow of conventional growing methods, hydroponics is getting a second look from university researchers and public health advocates.

Supporters point to the environmental cost of trucking produce from farms to cities, the loss of wilderness for farmland to feed a growing world population, and the risk of bacteria along extensive, insecure food chains as reasons for establishing urban hydroponic farms.

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Perfecting the Use of Aroma Enhancers in Your Garden

Whenever you grow flowers in hydroponics, you probably are only interested in growing the largest and best smelling flowers possible. These two things, however, do not go hand in hand. It is entirely possible to have a flower that is heavy, large, and even rich in color, but severely lacking in the scent that makes flowers so appealing. This can be extremely frustrating, but fortunately, it is very avoidable if you use a good aroma enhancer.

Aroma Enhancers are special hydroponic supplements that contain a lot of ingredients designed specifically to improve the smell of flowers. When used correctly, they can turn flowers that smell dull into something that has a lot of complex and perfumey scents.

Here are some of the most common ingredients that aroma enhancers contain to beautify your flowers and plants.

Select Bio molecules- There are lots of bio molecules that have a very special effect on the health and development of your plant, like polyphenolics, terpenoids and anthocyanins. These kinds of ingredients, when introduced into your plant, help produce the kind of oil and other elements that help create the flower’s signature scent. This is why the best aroma enhancers load up your flowers with exactly these kinds of ingredients.

Sugars – One of the oldest and most effective ways to increase the aroma of flowers is to provide them with special sugars. Things like molasses, cane sugar, corn syrup and other sweet stuff gets absorbed into the plant and has a positive effect on the scent. Molasses in particular is notable for its high level of both sugar and scent boosting biomolecules.

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Grow Great Tasting Herbs Through Aeroponics Gardening Systems

An indoor herb garden grown by an aeroponic system is a rewarding experience for those looking to not only begin a wonderful new hobby but also craving fresh herbs to serve friends and family. You may not realize it but growing plants and herbs through aeroponic hydroponics offer a great deal of benefits. Aeroponic kits produce great tasting herbs that bring out mouth watering flavors of your cooking and also produce herbs with medicinal value, as well.

Aeroponic gardening is still relatively new and not many people are aware of it and its many benefits. One thing people do agree on is that once they learn more about it, they all agree it is an interesting process for growing plants without soil. An aeroponic system uses the environment to grow its plants.

Aeroponic kits used to grow herb gardens implement air and mist to grow its plants. It is a natural system for growing herbs from the comfort of your very own home which is great for people who don’t have the luxury of an outside garden. All you would need is the proper room, an aeroponic fogger, aeroponic pump, some seeds, and a little patience.

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8 Responses to “Hydroponics News November 21st, 2008”

  1. Grow Hydroponics In The News November 21st, 2008 on November 23rd, 2008 3:34 am

    [...] Hydroponics kits [...]

  2. The Internets Best | Hydrophonics - Blog Snob on November 23rd, 2008 9:28 am

    [...] Hydroponics supply [...]

  3. The Internets Best | Aeroponic | Feng Shui and Home Decorating on November 25th, 2008 9:44 am

    [...] Indoor hydroponics [...]

  4. The Internets Best | Waterfarm | Home And Gardens Advice on November 27th, 2008 9:42 am

    [...] Indoor gardening [...]

  5. The Internets Best | Grow Lights | ISFMA the Blog on November 27th, 2008 10:00 pm

    [...] Hydroponic [...]

  6. Natural Organic Gardening | Hydroponics Kits In The News November 21st, 2008 on November 28th, 2008 3:55 pm

    [...] General hydroponics [...]

  7. Gardening Memos Blog » Blog Archive » Grow Hydroponics In The News November 21st, 2008 on December 12th, 2008 8:09 am

    [...] Grow lights [...]

  8. Greenhouse | All Your Winter Gardening Needs : EcoGreen Articles on December 18th, 2008 10:08 pm

    [...] high pressure sodium [...]

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