FLORAMATO DRY Dry Concentrated Nutrient

August 12, 2008

FloraMato Dry Concentrated NutrientFloraMato Dry by General Hydroponics:

This dry blend of minerals was specially designed to enhance the luscious flavors of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants, beans, melons, strawberries, and other continuously fruiting or flowering plants. FloraMato Dry is a stand-alone, fully water-soluble, dry nutrient. This unique combination of Primary and Secondary Nutrients with pH buffers keeps nutrients fully water-soluble and available to plants.

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One Response to “FLORAMATO DRY Dry Concentrated Nutrient”

  1. General Hydroponics Products | hydroponicsdictionary.com on August 12th, 2008 7:30 pm

    [...] FLORAMATO DRY [...]

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