Hydroponics: An interesting new way to grow plants

June 9, 2008

Forget everything you know about plant growing. It doesn’t necessarily take water, sunlight and soil to make healthy vegetables, fruits and herbs. Lots of people are taking advantage of a new system that only requires the first two: sunlight and water. The result has been bigger plants, juicier vegetables and easier maintenance – something any new gardener can appreciate.

The technique is as old as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, according to Homegrown Hydroponics, Inc. a company that sells hydroponic growing systems.

In natural conditions, soil acts as a nutrient reservoir for plants but is not necessary for plant growth. Plants can absorb nutrients just as well through water and when they are added to the water artificially, soil is no longer required. The system therefore allows indoor gardeners to have greater control over their plants’ nutrition. Not only do hydroponic systems provide a perfectly balanced diet, according to how-tohydroponics.com, but hydroponic plants have food and water delivered directly to their roots. The energy usually used to develop long roots can be redirected into growing more plant.

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