REVERSE By Dutch Master

August 12, 2008

Reverse By Dutch MasterREVERSE By Dutch Master:

Are you tired of feeling out of control when unwanted male flowers appear and threaten to ruin your crop? Take back control now with Reverse! Reverse provides fast and effective knockdown of existing male flowers, and can prevent male flowers in hermaphroditic plants! Not only does reverse prevent male flowers, but it increases the number and set of female flowers!

You’ve heard the rumors……… A foliar spray that can stop hermaphrodites from producing male flowers. Well it’s true! Experience for yourself what “those in the know” have been talking about. REVERSE is a ready to use (no dilution required) foliar spray that quickly and efficiently eliminates a grower’s worst nightmare…. awful seed problems! Fix it simply and quickly with REVERSE’S unique formulation of specialty amino acids and proteins. Using REVERSE is easy and effortless.


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